AnalogX Audio Arpeg is very Similar to its MIDI counterpart - you control whether or not a sound is being played, and create a rhythmic pattern with the mutes/unmutes. Unlike your normal MIDI Arpeggiator, Audio Arpeg also allows you to control the volume level of each of the mute/unmute stages, which allows you to make much more subtle, and interesting patterns. Each channel can be delayed by up to 1 second and can have its tempo set independently; this opens up a whole new world in VERY cool stereo arpeggiation!
And not only that, but Audio Arpeg is super-fast so it doesn't suck up those valuable CPU cycles! Of course, Audio Arpeg requires an application that supports DirectX Audio plugins (like the Paris or Wavelab), and works with either the realtime or non-realtime applications as well. Audio Arpeg supports mono or stereo sound streams, as well as 16bit and 32bit data types.